• National Natural Science Foundation of China (52272038), Non-transfer Growth and Surface Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy of Graphene/Semiconductor Plasmon Double Coupled Nanostructures, 2023.01-2026.12, Chen Ke,presided
  • National High-level Talent Special Support Program for Young Top Talents, Nanocarbon Materials, 2020.10-2023.9, presided over by Chen Ke
  • ​Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China-Henan Joint Fund( u1904193 ),2020.01-2022.12,Ke Chen
  • National natural sciences fund youth fund projects(51502077),2016.01-2018.12, Ke Chen
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 71st batch of funding first class, "first suppress and then rise" selective catalytic materials in lithium-sulfur batteries controllable construction and catalytic mechanism research, 2022.09-2023.12, Hua Wuxing, p
  • Henan Science Association Science Popularization Project, Henan Province All-media Science Popularization Creation Base, 2023.01-2023.12, Dai Shuxi, presided
  • Henan Province Zhongyuan Talent Program Former Young Top Talents (Central Plains Young Postdoctoral Innovative Talents), Controllable Preparation of Two-dimensional Tellulose-based Catalysts with Active Sites and Their Selective Catalytic Mechanism in
  • A Young Top-notch Talent of The Central Organization Department,2019.01-2020.12,Ke Chen
  • Henu Universities's Basic Research Program of Key Scientific Research Projects(20ZX010),2020.01-2022.12, Ke Chen
  • Henan University Outstanding Talents Special Zone Support Program Third-level Talent Start Research Funding, 2021.01-2025.12, Chen Ke, presided
  • Young Talents Program of Henu University,2019.01-2021.12, Ke Chen