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Jiang Tao and Huang Di of Tongji University visited for academic exchanges

来源: 作者:发布时间:2022-10-11 15:29浏览次数:

Date: August 25 , 2022

Location: A313 SPE, Henan University

    On the afternoon of August 25, 2022, Professor Jiang Tao and Huang Di Distinguished Researcher of Tongji University carried out academic exchanges with the Center.

    Jiang Tao made an academic report entitled "Graphene Third-Order Nonlinear Light Response: Characterization, Regulation and Mechanism Research" in the form of an online conference.

    Huang Di gave an academic report entitled "Research on the Quantum Dynamics of the Excited State of Two-dimensional Optoelectronic Devices" for teachers and students.

    In this report, Professor Jiang Tao combined the broadband nonlinear optical effect of graphene to explain the physical mechanism of graphene's nonlinear optical response. The research achievements of the ion gel gate graphene field effect transistor and the broadband third-order nonlinear optical effect with adjustable electric field are introduced. Combined with near-field optical technology, the influence mechanism of graphene boundary, defect and layer number on four wave mixing response is explored at nano space and femtosecond time resolution scales.

    Besides, researcher Huang Di focused on two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy, which can realize the decoupling of multiple quantum paths in the resonant four-wave mixed response. At the same time, the research results of using two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy to explore the multi-dimensional quantum dynamics of the excited state of two-dimensional materials are introduced, as well as the latest progress in the electrical modulation of the excited state of two-dimensional optoelectronic devices.

    The participating teachers and students had an in-depth discussion with the two teachers on the issues of interest.

About the reporter:

    Jiang Tao is a professor at the School of Physical Science , Engineering of Tongji University and the deputy director of the Institute of Precision Optical Engineering Technology of Tongji University. He was selected into the National Overseas High-level Talent Program Youth Project, the "Shanghai Science and Technology Youth 35 Leading Program" and the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, mainly engaged in the performance characterization and mechanism of multi-dimensional optical microscopy and optoelectronic devices with low-dimensional micro-nano structure. He has published more than 20 articles in journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, and Advanced Materials. He is a member of the Youth Editorial Board of China Laser Magazine. The related work was selected as one of the top ten advances in optics in China (basic research category).

    Huang Di, a distinguished researcher in the School of Physical Science and Engineering of Tongji University, graduated from the Department of Physics of Fudan University with a doctor's degree . And he joined the University of Texas at Austin to carry out post doctoral research. He has been selected as a leading talent (overseas) project in Shanghai. He has carried out distinctive international cutting-edge research in hot cross fields such as nonlinear/linear spectroscopy, two-dimensional materials and modulation of their quantum coherent effects, and published more than ten articles in journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, PRL, Nano Letters, etc. Relevant work was selected as one of the top ten advances in China's optics in 2018 (basic research).