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Professor liu Kaihui from Peking University visited the center for academic exchanges

来源: 作者:低维材料物理研究中心发布时间:2021-10-07 16:00浏览次数:

Date: October 10,2021

Locatiion: A313 SPE, Henan University

On the afternoon of October 7, 2021, Professor Liu Kaihui of Peking University delivered an academic report entitled "general preparation and application of meter scale two-dimensional single crystals".

The development of high technology in the 21st century depends on the development and manufacture of new single crystal materials. Quantum materials, including two-dimensional materials, topological materials, superconducting materials, etc., are new single crystal materials that are anticipated to bring disruptive applications.

In this report, Professor Liu Kaihui started with the new scientific problems of two-dimensional single crystal preparation, and systematically introduced how to prepare large-size two-dimensional single crystals in the atomic surface interface environment from three aspects: speed (single core rapid growth), substrate (single crystal substrate preparation), and orientation (multicore cooperative growth).

At the same time, the applications of the derived materials and technologies are introduced in the fields of electronic devices, optical devices, acoustic devices, photocatalysis, thermal management engineering and so on.

At the end of talk, Prof. Liu have given an in-depth discussion and detailed explanation with all the teachers and students on the interesting issues.

About the reporter:

Liu Kaihui, distinguished professor of Boya, Peking University, winner of the national fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and winner of the "Scientific Exploration Award" in 2021. He has engaged in the research of surface interface physics and nano spectral physics. The representative research achievements include the design of a new method for controlling the growth of two-dimensional materials by the supply of interface elements, the proposed general preparation route of two-dimensional single crystals, and the realization of the design and construction of two-dimensional material optical fiber new devices. He has undertaken the key special projects of the national key research and development program "quantum control and quantum information". In the past five years, he has published more than 50 papers of corresponding authors, including 2 regular journals and 11 sub-journals of nature, and edited a monograph. He is currently the deputy editor in chief of the Science bulletin and the editorial board member of Nano technology. The research work was selected as China's major technological progress and China's top ten semiconductor research progress in 2020.