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Research faculty position opening at Ke Chen's group

来源: 作者:发布时间:2021-09-06 22:05浏览次数:

Ke Chen is a third-level distinguished professor of the "Outstanding Talents Special Zone Support Program" of Henan University, a Ph.D advisor, a national young top-notch talent (2020), and a young top-notch talent in the Central Plains of Henan Province (2018). He received his Ph.D. from Tongji University in 2012 and has worked as a postdoctoral or visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (2012), Peking University (2013-2018), and massachusetts Institute of Technology (2020). He has been working at Henan University since 2012 and was promoted to full professor in 2020. His research focuses on the controllable growth and structural tailoring of two-dimensional materials such as graphene, as well as their applications in nano-optics and low-carbon energy. His research mainly develops new materials and devices such as graphene multi-stage structural materials, graphene photonic crystal fibers, and graphene-based flexible transparent electrodes. He has published more than 50 SCI papers, including over 20 first/corresponding-authorized papers from Nat. Photon., Nat. Commun., Chem. Soc. Rev. and other well-known international journals. The total SCI citation is above 1,300 times. He has invited to give talks at international academic conferences at more than 10 times, is also the invited reviewers for Adv. Mater.、Adv. Fun. Mater., ACS Nano, 2D Mater., Small, Scientific Bulletin, etc. He has presided over 3 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, authorized 6 China patents, and been participated in the writing of 2 graphene-related books (chapters). He has won the titles or awards of Henan Provincial High-level Talents (Category B), the Academic and Technical Leader of the Department of Education of Henan Province, and the Henan Youth Science and Technology Award (2019).

The research group recruits several doctors, postdoctoral fellows and associate professors with backgrounds in physics, materials, chemistry, optical engineering, electronics and other related majors who can engage in the researches based on the following directions.

 (1) Physical fundamentals of two-dimensional crystal growth: chemical vapor deposition growth methodology and process engineering of two-dimensional crystals such as graphene; large-scale preparation and applications of two-dimensional materials; Simulation of two-dimensional material growth.

 (2) Nanophotonics of two-dimensional materials: plasmonic photonics of graphene and semi-metallic two-dimensional materials; graphene-integrated mid-infrared photonic devices.

 (3) Ultrafast materials and ultrafast laser physics: two-dimensional nonlinear optical materials; Infrared laser mode-locking technology. 

Candidates should have a strong interest and enthusiasm for academic research, solid basic research skills and independent academic and team work ability; Strong English reading, writing and communication skills.

Application method: Send detailed CV (including resume, research interests, representative achievements, awards, research proposal, etc.) to E-mail: kchen@henu.edu.cn; Tel:+86-18738969697.